
Exercise 1 poster

Function Tree:

Site and mapping:

Elevation and plan:


ARCH1201 Project 3

Fianl Presentation:

More artist's works

From the drawing, you could see the building was set far away from the main street, almost about 30 meters. This kind of design has two meanings, one was to build the low density of building as I said before, and the other reason was in my opinion, people need a quiet and free space to view the artist's works, and since the King st. was too busy, I suggested to place a green plaza space, which could planet trees, cover some grass and set some resting seat at the front of the building to absort the noise and create a free space to let the custome come to the shop.

Structure Model:

The back building , view from the Lennow St.
The front of the building, vew from the King St.

The detail structure


Project 2: Room and Narrative (Model)

Work space facade

Relax space facade

Meeting space facade

Project 2: Room and Narrative (Poche Drawing)

Project 2: Room and Narrative (Concept)


My concept of space is from the traditional Chinese culture game named 'Tangram'.
'The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes.'

And the diagram I showed above was the pati of my concept. You could see the tangram was square, so I also made this studio 10m*10m square. The main two parts, public & private, was seprated by the diagonal like the case study I did last building, Villa Savoye. And in the private space was also seprated to two parts, one for Relax and the other for Work. And since in my mind, every building need corridor or pervasion tansfered between different space, so I divided another two parts from the private space for this using. Also as I said before the client was a withdrawn man, he do not need too much space for meeting. Finally I placed some tree to make the building looked more activity and natural.


Project 2: Room and Narrative (Drawing and Site)

The drawing I chosen was done by Johannes Vermeer and named 'The Geographer'.
From the drawing we could see a male geographer(designer) worked very hard and serviously alone, so my narrative was 'A studio for a withdrawn, male designer to work, relax and small meeting place.
And since the designer in the drawing were looking outside for some nice view, that means he enjoyed nice sit plan for the location of his studio. And then I found the place have nice view of lake and mountain, also very quiet. It was in the north Beijin, named hongluo lake. The building in my concept might sit on the lake, and a bridge was connected building with each side of riparian.
And the climate in Beijing was similar to Sydney's, and light was directly from the sourth.


Villa Savoye Model (1:50)

First I want to thank for my group members, Brans and Cam. Without their nice work, I can not show this awesome model and really enjoyed every minute with them during the model making time.

These two images is the overview of the building from front facada. And you could compare with the real one and our model.

And then the images took from the back facade.

This image is the South Facade of the building, and the gound level facade is the gate of the garage.

The top view of villa. You could see several holes on the roof, these are the skylights for the building, and they made the inside of building under the nice sun shine.

The section cuting of our model was also very special. It was diagonal.

Finally, I will show some detail images for our model.
